Imagine a world where your employees were paid faster than ever before, and in fact, everything about your payroll procedures operated faster than ever before. Charleston Payroll is proud to announce a partnership with Instant Payroll, which assists with doing exactly that.
The Benefits of Instant Payroll
Are you interested in getting your direct deposits more quickly, with a shorter turnaround time? Would you like to have shorter payroll windows in general? If the answer to any of those questions is yes, Instant Payroll might be exactly what you’re looking for.
It doesn’t matter what type of personality a specific employee might have, what industry they work in, how much they make, or what types of things they tend to spend their earnings on. One trait that the overwhelming majority of people share in common is that they like to get paid for the work they do as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Maybe your employees are anxiously anticipating receiving their next paychecks because you want to book a special vacation for the July 4th weekend, or maybe they want every bit of money in their bank accounts before sending a tuition payment for their child’s college education. Receiving direct deposits as fast as possible is something that helps make these sorts of things doing- and as an employer, it would go a long way toward taking the stress off of you to make sure that this happens.
Charleston Payroll is thrilled to be able to partner with this brand-new service, which was created to do precisely what its name of “Instant Payroll” suggests it does- and that is to make sure that employees receive their pay stubs as fast as possible. All you need to do to make the switch is open a new bank account with Charleston Payroll’s partnered bank, and the rest will take care of itself.
Know Who Does Your Payroll
Perhaps there’s no easier way to achieve peace of mind than by knowing who handles your payroll. With Charleston Payroll and our new partner Instant Payroll, any questions that may arise about your payroll will be answered quickly by our team of local experts. Our team handles payrolls for a living because we know exactly how vital the payroll process is to your company’s success, and because we want nothing more than to be able to make that process as seamless and painless as possible.
Even beyond merely handling your payroll process, however, at Charleston Payroll we want to see your small or medium-sized business succeed. That’s why we offer a variety of other services on top of payroll as well, such as onboarding, Human Resources, background checks, and timekeeping.
When you partner with Charleston Payroll, not only are you teaming up with our new Instant Payroll program and ensuring that your payroll will be handled as efficiently as ever, but you’re making a greater investment in your own business- an investment that allows you to put some of your more tedious managerial tasks aside and churn out productivity.